Tableau Higher Education Dashboard Training w/ Eric Atchison from ASU
Location: Walsh College, 3838 Livernois Rd, Troy, MI 48083
Day 1, October 9th, afternoon (likely 1pm - 4:30pm)
99-level Excel, IPEDS overview, preparing for dashboards or brush up on your excel and IPEDS data skills
Day 2, October 10th, full-day (starting at 9am ending at 4:30pm)
Dashboard development day. Walk away with a fleshed out dashboard to use at your institution and the skills to build more!
This training is open to all. While directed at IR staff, others at your institutions may benefit. Feel free to spread the word! We will also be hosting several of our colleagues from the community colleges.
We will have two tiers of pricing for the training - single and institution-level. The single registration fee is $150 (both days are included for those who want to attend both but the bulk of the training is just on the 10th). The institution-level registration will be $300 and an institution can send up to four individuals to participate in the training. An invoice will be sent prior to the event.
Snacks, coffee, drinks, will be provided during both days of training with lunch also provided on the 2nd day.
We are inviting all attendees and other IR staff to a dinner on the 9th. Depending on interest we'll likely do a set menu for about $30 per person (drinks separate). Let me know if you'd like to join us for dinner in Troy on Monday the 9th.
We'll also have a happy hour following the training on October 10th if anyone wants to avoid rush-hour traffic in Southeast MI. Even if you aren't attending the training you're welcome to join the group for dinner or the Tuesday post-training happy hour. For those not interested in Tableau but in the southeast MI area, please join us!