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Webinar: Eight steps for creating a college marketing and communications plan to improve enrollment and retention

Webinar: Eight steps for creating a college marketing and communications plan to improve enrollment and retention

Presenter: Anne Monroe, Vice President of Consulting Services at RNL

What is the best way to communicate with today’s prospective college students? Do you still need to send them viewbooks and other publications, or will communicating through email and social media suffice? What about the phone? Can you call their cell phone or send them text messages? These questions come to mind often for many enrollment management professionals as they strive to meet enrollment goals in an ever changing and increasingly competitive environment.

With more students applying and more competition from other colleges and universities, strategic enrollment marketing can make an institution stand out from its competition and put it in a strong position when prospective students do make contact. While new marketing methods and communication technologies need to be integrated into campus campaigns, traditional marketing methods still provide a lot of value when used properly.