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Rhonda Roorda oversees the long-standing Workers’ Compensation Group Self-Insurers’ Fund at MICU, where she is responsible for the development and management of the program. Prior to her role as Fund Administrator, she served as a program associate at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in Washington, D.C., where she managed national conferences. Additionally, Rhonda worked as a Graduate Assistant in the Office of Economic Development at Michigan State University.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication from Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and holds a Master of Arts in Communication-Urban Studies from Michigan State University. Following her term on the Calvin University Alumni Board Association, she became a member of the Board of Trustees, serving as Board Secretary and Executive Member.

In her spare time, Rhonda is passionate about writing and speaking on issues affecting foster and adoptive children and families. She has co-authored three landmark books on Transracial Adoption with the late Dr. Rita J. Simon, and her latest book, *In Their Voices: Black Americans on Transracial Adoption*, published by Columbia University Press, was recognized as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine.

Rhonda’s contributions to the field of foster care and adoption have been acknowledged with several prestigious awards. She received the 2010 Judge John P. Steketee Adoption Hero Award from the Adoptive Family Support Network in Michigan and, in 2017, was honored with the Friend of Children and Youth Award from the North American Council on Adoptable Children. In 2022, she was awarded the Richard K. Ransom Award for her Service to Children and Families from the Adopt America Network. And most recently, Rhonda was awarded the 2024 Adoption Vanguard Award from the Adoption Knowledge Affiliates.