Independent colleges and universities have higher share of veteran enrollment
During FY 2015, 2.4 percent of the undergraduate population at Michigan's independent, non-profit colleges and universities claimed veteran status compared to 1.3 percent at Michigan's public universities.
Michigan's institutions still have work to do to increase the share of veterans enrolling in baccalaureate programs as both sectors in Michigan lag behind national averages for enrollment. Independent institutions in Michigan rank 28th for veteran enrollment while the public universities rank 46th when compared to other states.
Nationally, veterans enroll at independent, non-profit colleges and universities at a higher rate than their public peers and Michigan follows this trend. In FY 2015, 3.2 percent of the undergraduate population nationally at independent institutions claimed veteran status while the veteran share of undergraduates at public universities was 2.5 percent.
MICU recently released a special brief on the status of veterans in higher education in Michigan.