MICU and McGraw Hill Education will hold an informational webinar on January 12 2pm-3pm to review resources available to MICU member institutions as we evaluate a partnership within MICU member services.
McGraw Hill Education is a learning science company that delivers personalized learning experiences that help students and educators improve results. The informational webinar will review technology solutions and how they collaborate with institutions to improve affordability and access.
ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is an artificially intelligent learning and assessment system that has been used by over 25 million students for Math, Chemistry, Statistics and Accounting. ALEKS is a leader in the creation of web-based, artificially intelligent, education software. Backed by decades of validity testing and research, ALEKS is the premier adaptive learning and assessment platform. Rather than being based on numerical test scores, ALEKS uses the theory of knowledge spaces to develop a combinatorial understanding of the set of topics a student does or doesn't understand from the answers to its test questions. Based on this assessment, it determines the topics that the student is ready to learn and allows the student to choose from interactive learning modules for these topics.
ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning’s (ALEKS PPL) unique combination of adaptive assessments and personalized learning, accurately identifies students’ readiness for college-level math. ALEKS PPL provides a very accurate determination of a student’s current math knowledge and the courses that they have the math skills to pass. ALKES PPL provides the opportunity for students to improve their placement by working in a Prep & Learning Module on their personal learning plan to refresh on loss knowledge, fill in learning gaps and build their math knowledge and reassessing.
Inclusive Access, IA, is an affordability program, developed by institutions across the country to deliver digital learning resources to students by the first day of class at significantly reduced cost. Research data on IA shows improved course success and retention for students. Twenty-five colleges and universities in Michigan have implemented MHE IA.