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Leadership Development Resources from FranklinCovey

LeaderU for Student Success and Leadership Development from FranklinCovey
Learn about student success and leadership development resources from the World's most trusted leadership company, FranklinCovey. Our co-presenter Damon Brown, Vice President of Student Affairs at Alma College, will share the implementation and utilization of LeaderU at Alma College to help promote student success. This program allows students to develop career skills, achieve wellness and attain success in college and beyond. LeaderU is a web-based learning portal that gives students access to FranklinCovey courses that embody the marketable and transferable skills vital to success in any industry or career. By demonstrating mastery of essential leadership and career skills, students will put themselves in an optimal position to persist in college, graduate, get hired, become promoted, and thrive in any future workplace. We enable greatness in people and organizations everywhere and would like to introduce you to LeaderU.

*Elevate Your Students
*Engage students in valuable personal development
*Prepare students with employability skills to succeed in the workplace
*Provide industry-valued credentials
*Enhance Your Institution
*Boost the value of earning a degree
*Stand out in a crowded field of education options
The target audience for LeaderU are leaders from student affairs, advising, academics, residential life, athletics, first year programs, enrollment and career services.

The All Access Pass for Staff and Faculty Leadership Development
The All Access Pass and the Impact Platform from FranklinCovey Faculty focus on the other side of developing leaders in higher education: Faculty and Staff Leadership Development. Expand your reach, achieve your business objectives, and sustainably impact staff and faculty performance with unlimited access to FranklinCovey content through the Impact Platform. We combine powerful content, a team of experts, a dynamic behavior change platform, and key metrics. Together these guide leaders and teams through Impact Journeys that deliver exceptional results again and again. The FranklinCovey All Access Pass helps you get the most value out of your L&D investment by providing access to content and technology, as well as a deep bench of experts to design and deliver a unique learning experience tailored to your organization’s needs.
The target audience for the All Access Pass are college leaders from human resources, talent management, continuing education and executive staff.